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Salus Health Topics. Foundational knowledge for health management
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Live Longer
Our Mission: Our health span can equal our life span. Our life span can be longer
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Salus Health Topics. Foundational knowledge for health management
Frequently asked by visitors like you
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Salus Defense FAQs

At Salus Defense we get hundreds of questions every week and many of them start something like this:

Will Silver help with my (     condition       )?

This is a difficult question to answer because the FDA says that it is unlawful for any supplement manufacturer to claim their product is a cure or treatment for ANY disease. To put it simply, even if we know that it works 100% for your condition we can not say so. We are doing our best to play by the rules while continuing to offer the best information that gives users of our products maximum effectiveness.

When people ask questions attempting to isolate and treat a very specific disease or condition. They often do so without understanding the steps that take place at a cellular level before to the disease is diagnosed, and often way before any symptoms appear. Our body is not compartmentalized. It is a whole and complete eco-system that requires balance in order to maintain health.

We are made up of trillions of cells, if every one of these cells was healthy would it be possible to be sick?


Frequently asked questions

1) Will taking Structured silver affect my medication?

This question is often asked by people who are using thyroid medications and other prescriptions. To the point, we have seen no clinical evidence demonstrating Structured silver as a problem or inhibitor of any medication. Doctors will sometimes raise this concern, but always without clinical evidence or studies to demonstrate. Thus, the answer is no until proven otherwise.

2) How long should I take the product for?

This is a very individual question that depends on the condition and symptoms being experienced by the user. The structured silver will begin to work upon contact by removing bacterial and pathogenic causes of infection at the root of many ailments. Depending on the stage of the illness there may be many layers of infection that need to be addressed before symptoms begin to diminish.

3) How long before my product arrives?

Out target time from order date is 7 - 10 days. Circumstances like supply line disruptions due to government pandemic restrictions can extend the timeline, but we still make good on all orders made.

4) Do I take it with food or without?

Both Structured Silver and Probiotics are best to take on an empty stomach. We encourage users to give a two hour window before eating. The best times are first thing in the morning and then again before bed. This is so the product has a digestive tract that is not processing anything. It is this way that the silver can clean out the bacteria and harmful micro-organisms in the gut instead of those that are coming in with the new food inputs. By creating a stable gut ecosystem we become less vulnerable to future pathogen inputs that may gain access along with our food intake. We also encourage you to increase your water intake. This gives you extra fluid to excrete those pathogens that the silver has terminated.

*** Note *** If you use both probiotics and Structured Silver it is best to keep a little time in between. Again, 2 hours, if possible.

5) I have heard silver turns you blue, is this true?

There are no known cases of Argyria from taking Structured Silver. Click here for more details.

6) What is the proper dosage?

The maintenance dose of 2 tsp, 2x a day is great for keeping yourself protected from getting ill.  However, if you are battling anything right now, increasing the dosage might be useful. The following chart indicates dosage per body weight and reflects EPA suggestions of safe usage for silver products. After you get better, sticking with the maintenance dose should be all you need. Members of the Salus team, as well as friends and family, have exceeded these recommended dosages, for short periods of time, with zero negative effects.

7) Are there any side effects of taking Silver?

There are no known side effects from Structured silver, but let's talk about what some people experience during detox. Herxheimer reaction, which usually manifests as cold or flu like symptoms can sometimes arise when pathogens are being destroyed at a rate that exceeds the ability of our body to excrete the dead waste. This results in a short term toxicity build up which can feel like a mild illness. There are many types of detox products and diets that can result in the Herxheimer symptoms. Structured Silver is an agent that has the effect of detoxing when it destroys or removes the existing pathogens, so in rare occasions people will experience Herxheimer Reaction. *** Stick with it. Any discomfort of this type is proof of positive effect.

Everyday we are under attack by foreign invaders (Bacteria, Fungus, Viruses, and parasites ) that are trying to make your body their home. These little critters start a cascade of systemic problems within our digestive system increasing the demand on our immune system and eventually leading to infection, inflammation, and even disease if left unchecked. Check out some of these conditions here.
Structured Silver Liquid 3 Pack
  • $137.00
Structured Silver Liquid
  • $49.00
Structured Silver Liquid 6 Pack
  • $234.00
Structured Silver Advance Pack
  • $294.00